
Monday, October 13, 2014

Tips Kesuburan Dari Segi Pemakanan

Masih ramai pasangan yang masih belum dikurniakan rezeki cahaya mata walaupun telah lama berkahwin. Pelbagai ikhtiar dan usaha telah dilakukan ,namun jangan lupa penjagaan dan ikhtiar dari segi pemakanan seharian kita. Jom semak apakah makanan yang boleh membantu kesuburan kita.

Makanan yang seimbang dan berkhasiat adalah sangat penting untuk sihat dan subur. Kurangkan makanan karbohidrat, gula dan manisan. Jauhkan fast, processed dan preserved foods. Kurangkan perisa dan pemanis. Makan yang fresh, banyakkan sayur hijau, ulam dan buah-buahan. Makan lebih ikan sebagai sumber protein, bijirin seperti almond.

Air - Sangat penting bagi kesihatan badan dan kesuburan seseorang. Sebaiknya minum air mineral atau air yang ditapis. Dicadangkan minum 8 liter  air dalam sehari semalam. 

Sayur Sawi - mengandungi banyak vitamin-vitamin , zat besi/iron dan antioxidant yang penting bagi kesihatan dan kesuburan. Folic penting untuk penetasan telor yang baik kualiti, mencegah kecacatan bayi serta mengurangkan risiko gugur.

Sayur-sayuran  berwarna kuning, orange dan merah  mengandungi banyak vitamin-vitamin dan antioxidant untuk mencegah penyakit dan meningkatkan kesuburan.

Kobis, Karrot, Brokoli, kacang hijau, keledek merah - mengadungi banyak zat dan khasiat yang boleh membetulkan kitaran haid, menseimbangkan hormon subur dan seterusnya meningkatan kesuburan.

Papaya, jambu batu, buah naga, semangka buah limau nipis/kasturi kaya dalam kandungan vitamin-vitamin  khususnya vitamin C yang penting untuk kesihatan dan kesuburan

Broccoli and Cabbage - Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage contain a phytonutrient called DIM that helps with estrogen metabolism. They are also known to prevent fibroids and endometriosis in women.
Carrots, peas and sweet potatoes - Containing beta-carotene, these veggies will help regulate a menstrual cycle, thus improving chances for conception.

Strawberries, blueberries, oranges, papaya, kiwi and cantaloupe - Full of vitamin C and antioxidants, these fruits offer healthful reproductive benefits to women trying to conceive.

Meat, chicken, fish, eggs and dairy products (Protein) - Amino acids in protein are vital for viable egg production and for making LH and FSH which are important fertility hormones. Scientific research also suggests women who get more of their protein from plants and less from animal sources have fewer overall ovulatory issues. Be certain to monitor mercury level intake from seafood as high levels can be toxic.

Whole grains - Try to consume natural unrefined whole grain bread products. Unfortunately, the refining process removes more than 15 key nutrients from grains such as B vitamins and iron. Opt for making your own whole grain breads and pancakes. They will be chocked-full of fertility enhancing goodness.
Oysters - With an abundant amount of zinc, oysters are known fertility enhancer

Tofu and soy - With careful use, tofu and soy are excellent sources of protein. Some studies suggest however, high levels of soy foods containing plant-derived estrogen called phytoestrogens may decrease fertility. A study was conducted back in 2005 linking isoflavone Genistein with fertility issues. Think moderation.

  • Calcium – Foods high in calcium helps to make strong bones and is especially important during pregnancy. Best to be in practice of eating foods high in calcium while trying to conceive. Dairy products – eggs – certain fish like salmon and tuna.
  • Tea is an excellent fertility booster. I’m talking about green tea and orange pekoe (regular). Tea contains a nice level of antioxidants which aids in promoting a healthy immune system. Research within the past decade shows that women who drink tea on a regular basis increase their chance of conception. I truly believe this – as each time I’ve become pregnant I am drinking a lot of decafe regular ice tea.
  • Vitamin B6 and folic acid are both needed to insure a healthy pregnancy. Leafy green vegetables, nuts and whole grains contain both of these B vitamins. B6 helps to regulate the reproductive hormones
    and folic acid helps to prevent a folic acid deficiency which can cause some of the neuro-tube defects in the baby.
  • Vitamin C boosts the immune system and helps to aid in a healthy conception. Fruits contain vitamin C and it benefits both men and women’s fertility.
  • Water is the most important fertility food to consume. Water is needed to grow a healthy baby and to help maintain a normal pregnancy.  Water makes up 75% of our bodies and is essential in a healthy pregnancy.
Foods to avoid when trying to conceive

Processed foods – also referred to as “sweets and junk food” contains high amounts of sugar and refined flour. They have no quality and add nothing to a pregnancy, except for weight gain (wrong kind).  Pregnancy gestational diabetes is a condition that pregnant women can get and processed foods is certainly prohibited. It’s best to give the pregnancy a good start by avoiding “junk food” while trying to conceive.

Gestational diabetes causes the baby to become too large, thus the need for a cesarean section is possible. Also gestational diabetes can be a precursor to diabetes type II.

Seafood has been show to contain mercury. Mercury has been linked with some serious birth defects including autism. If you eat seafood – it’s advisable to keep consumption to a minimum. Avoid albacore tuna, which has been shown to have high levels of mercury.



Set ini bukan sahaja sebagai salah satu ikhtiar kehamilan tetapi boleh digunakan sebagai makanan tambahan harian untuk lelaki dan wanita. Itulah keistimewaan Homeopathy.


FUNGSI: Membantu penghasilan sperma yang sihat
Memberi tenaga kelakian
Untuk kesuburan


FUNGSI: Membantu penghasilan telur yang sihat
Membantu mengekalkan pusingan haid yang teratur
Membantu meningkatkan kesihatan rahim 
Menstabilkan emosi


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